Royal Mail MarketReach
Royal Mail are the third largest media owner in the UK behind Google and ITV and they had an increasing body of evidence to show the power of mail. Yet their research showed that too many marketers still didn’t think of mail for their campaigns.
To change marketers opinions of direct mail, Royal Mail developed a multi-channel campaign with awareness built through the broadcast channels and they directly targeted their audience through DM. MarketReach challenged us to help develop a DM piece, which would engage with the UK’s most influential marketers, incorporating video content already generated into the pack as well as personalisation to interact with the recipient and show the potential of mails impact.
Our hybrid solution utilised HP Indigo digital and litho print techniques and the expertise of our cardboard engineering design and direct mail teams to advise on the best solution which included variable text and imagery personalisation.
Our fulfilment and mailing service hand matched the six items and finished into the complete pack with high levels of QC.
This piece was a huge success for the brand not only creating awareness but impressive revenue generation. The whole campaign delivered an ROI of 17:1 of which mail was a key part of and it also won the Print Design and Marketing Award for Direct Mail 2017